Model Recipes

Anyconfig Model Recipe

This is the easiest way of using cfgtree. Anyconfig abstract the loading of the configuration file, handling a large variety of file format transparently.

Two variant are provided:

  • AnyConfigModel: that can read enviroment variables and configuration file
  • AnyConfigCliModel: that tries to parse the command line argument

Base Model


Returns the PEP440 version of the cfgtree package

class cfgtree.ConfigBaseModel(model=None, environ_var_prefix=None, storage=None, cmd_line_parser=None, autosave=False)[source]

Main configuration class

You need to inherit from this base class and implement the following members:

  • model: hierarchical dictionary representing the configuration tree
  • environ_var_prefix: prefix for environment variable, to avoid conflicts
  • storage: class to use for configuration storage
  • cmd_line_parser: which command line argument parser to use


from cfgtree import ConfigBaseModel
from cfgtree.cmdline_parsers.argparse import ArgparseCmdlineParser

class MyAppConfig(ConfigBaseModel):

    # All environment variables should start by MYAPP_ to avoid collision with other
    # application's or system's environment variables
    environ_var_prefix = "MYAPP_"

    # My configuration should be read from a single JSON file
    storage = JsonConfigFile(
        # User can overwrite the configuration file name with this environment variable
        # or this command line parameter
        # If not set, search for the `config.json` file in the current directory

    # Use `argparse` to parse the command line
    cmd_line_parser = ArgparseCmdlineParser()

    # Here is the main settings model for the application
    model = {
        # Redefine configfile with ConfigFileCfg so that it appears in --help
        "configfile": ConfigFileCfg(long_param="--config-file",
                                    summary="Configuration file"),

        # can holds a version information for the storage file
        "version": VersionCfg(),

        "general": {
            "verbose": BoolCfg(short_param='-v',
                               summary='Enable verbose output logs'),
                          summary='Output log to file'),

# As an example, the 'verbose' setting can then be configured by:
#  - environment variable "MYAPP_GENERAL_VERBOSE"
#  - command line option ``--verbose`
#  - key ``general.verbose`` in configuration file ``config.json``

cfg = MyAppConfig()
# Read
# Write
cfg.set_cfg_value("group1.dict_opt.key1", "newval")
autosave = False
cmd_line_parser = None
environ_var_prefix = None

Main cfgtree entrypoint

get_cfg_value(xpath, default=None)[source]

Get a value from cfgtree.


Dumps current configuration tree into a human readable json

model = None

Save configuration to storage

set_cfg_value(xpath, value)[source]

Set a value in cfgtree.

storage = None